Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Garden Update!

My garden is still going strong. It's suppose to rain until Saturday so that's good. Takes that whole watering part out of my daily routine. Here's my pride and joy:

This little squash plant I grew from seed. I have 4 more left I think - but this one is the best. I did buy some cucumbers to replace my dead ones. It was only $2.29 for a pack of a bunch of cucumbers. If you're near Hingham, MA - Penniman Hill Farm is also a great place to stop by for your gardening needs - plus they have a petting zoo for the young ones. My 3 year-old is actually afraid of most farm animals and told the worker that they smelled.

This is what it looks like now. I'm trying to clean up the front yard so I'm putting the old mulch and whatnot down. I'm still going to do my newspaper thing. We did have a cold night the past week. Blah.

I know my plants aren't doing the best they could be. I think part of the problem is I have pretty gross soil. I hope the prep-work of my semi-lasagna garden preps the ground for better soil next year. I also hope to have lots of compost to add come fall.

Oh and because I'm a freak - I bought a pack of carrot seeds and watermelon seeds. I started them in a seed tray. I did not really want to - but my 3 year old really wanted to plant carrots (there's an episode of Curious George about planting a garden and carrots are featured) and I told him to pick out one more. Watermelon. I probably won't be able to grow them - but this gardening crap is pretty fun with the kids.


Paula said...

I think things are looking good. I need to take a picture of my garden, I was just looking at it this morning and it is really growing! Your soil will be great next year. When the fall comes just throw down some wet newspaper and add grass/leaf clippings, your home grown compost and by spring it will be rich and wonderful. I am still surprised at how well my soil is already.

The Mom said...

If you are interested in saving space next year-you can fit about 4 tomato plants in the boxes you created. I see only one plant per box. But I see some seedling coming up that look like cucumbers too so maybe that will take up the space. There is a great book called square foot gardening that shows you how to pack in the plants to get the most bang for your buck.
It looks great.