If you don't know, Nantasket Beach in Hull is actually a MA owned DCR park. What does this mean? If you have a MA DCR Parks Pass, you can park there for free whenever. The pass costs you $35 if you are a MA resident. If you are aged 62 or older - the pass is FREE! All you have to do is ask for it!
Internet purchasing should premier this spring, but if you want to be ahead of the game, you can mail in your application. It's easy. It's quick. I mailed my in about a month ago and got it the following week. You can get all the information by CLICKING HERE ON THE DCR PARKS PASS PAGE.
You can also get "free" parking at the following MA state parks and beaches which charge a parking fee. While you are out exploring all these great state parks this summer with your parking pass, be sure to check out the Parks Passport program. This is a free program that lets you get a stamp at various state parks. Kids get a big kick out of "stamping their passport" all over creation.
MassParks Facilities where parking fees are charged and MassParks Passes are available. (Fees listed apply to cars without a ParksPass)
Greater Boston –Nantasket Beach $7 Get your MassParks Pass at Nantasket Beach Headquarters, 215 Nantasket Avenue, Hull, MA 02045. (Monday through Friday) beginning May 1, 2013 thru September1, 2013 between 8am and 2pm.
Nahant Beach $3 Get your MassParks Pass at the Eliot House, 1 Eliot Circle in Revere, (Monday through Friday) between 9am and 3pm.
Southeastern MassachusettsBorderland SP $2 Parking fees charged Jan – Dec
Demarest Lloyd S.P. $7
Horseneck Beach S.R. $8
Myles Standish S.F., College Pond Area Only $5
South Cape Beach S.P. $7
Scusset Beach S.R. $7Watson Pond $5Northeastern MassachusettsBradley Palmer S.P. $5
Cochituate SP $5
Great Brook Farm S.P. $2 Parking fees charged Jan – Dec
Halibut Point S.P. $2
Hopkinton S.P. $5
Maudslay S.P. $2 Parking fees charged Jan – Dec
Pearl Hill S.P. $5
Salisbury Beach S.R. $9
Walden Pond S.R. $5
Willard Brook S.F. $5Central MassachusettsBlackstone District:
Douglas S.F. $5
Quinsigamond S.P., Regatta Point $5
Rutland SP, $5
Streeter Point R.A. $5
Wells S.P. $2Connecticut Valley District
Chicopee S.P. $5
Hampton Ponds S.P. $5
Robinson S.P. $5
Mt. Holyoke Range S.P. $2
Mt. Sugarloaf S.R. $2
Mt. Tom S.R. $2Quabbin District
Dunn S.P. $5
Erving S.F. $5
Lake Dennison R.A. $5
Lake Wyola S.P. $5
Leominster S.F. $5
Otter River S.F. $5
Wachusett Mtn. S.R. $2
Wendell S.F. $5Western MassachusettsBeartown SF, $5
Clarksburg S.P. $5
D.A.R. S.F. $5
Gardner C M $2
Mohawk Trail S.F. $5Mt. Greylock S.R. $2
Natural Bridge S.P. $2
Pittsfield S.F. $2
Sandisfield S.F. $5
Savoy Mtn. S.F. $5
Tolland S.F. $5
Windsor S.F. $5
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