Not sure if any of my garden people still read this blog (I'm not sure if anyone still reads this blog....). Anyways - I gots my name printed in the Boston Globe Magazine. I feel so Brookline right now it's not even funny.
So I wrote to the Boston Globe magazine a few weeks ago. Why? I read some article about mandating composting. In summary, the article was just trying to make a case for mandatory composting in and around Boston. You know - like how we separate our recyclables. Some people think the government should mandate composting. Anyhow - so they published my babbling. For reals... Someone Thought I Typed Something Semi-Intelligent
Well I won't go into all that "real" heart-of-the-matter crap that the article was actually about. I just got my panties in a ruffle because of one quote from the author: “scattered households with compost heaps won’t make a dent in this
problem.” Honestly, it's been so long I forgot what "the problem" was - I think reducing methane gases in the atmosphere or some crap like that. Anyhow - I love composting. It's easy as pie. I changed up my system this year to three individual piles that I'm working "down the line". This is my third summer with my "garden" and I have to say - between composting and laying the grown with shredded newspaper last year, my soil quality has improved dramatically. So take that Mr. Boston Globe Magazine writer! Sure, I might not make any impact of your desire of saving the ozone layer with my small heap of produce trash in my backyard - but I'm going to have some kick-ass tomatoes and cucumbers this year! Yeah!! I think I'm the real winner here...
So yeah, if you compost - give me a shout out! Love to hear how you do it and how it works for you. I think most people think it's nasty and stuff - but honestly, it's not that bad. And this is coming from someone who grew up in Connecticut. I'm not some farm-loving, tree-hugging, hippie lady. If I can do it, anyone can.
Woot! You go, Becky! We started a compost tumbler last fall when we moved to the new house, and we're just waiting for some more warm days so we can finally see some results. I was shocked to see how much it reduced our trash. I wish our private trash pick-up offered a composting service.
Is there anything easier than coposting? I'm a prolific, but lazy, gardener. I use the 3 year compost method you can see here:
LOVE IT! Keep doing it Becky and girl, you better link up your garden efforts this year on Thursdays!
I was going to e-mail you, I totally saw your letter! Woot woot! Well written, lady!
I asked for (and got) a homemade compost bin last year for my birthday. Yup, a little wood, a little chicken wire and a fitted wood frame/chicken wire top and you've got yourself a compost bin that animals can not get into but worms can. Lots of beautiful healthy earthworms munching away on my compost. I turn it with a pitchfork a couple of times a week. I did put in a few too many leaves last fall so I am working it down but it is looking good.
Growing up, we had a compost heap...just a big old pile of compost in the far back of the yard. Of course, we also had a garbage pail and a man came and collected just the garbage scraps from the (stinky) pail in the back yard. Nothing is new, they just call it something else!
Congrats on the Boston Gob mention!
I just started my simple composter last week (after years of saying I would!) and I have been shocked over the last few days to see how much actually goes into it! I am excited to see some results and I am glad to be setting a great example for my children.sucart
Very cool! We have a compost bin, and I agree - it's really easy and even a bit addictive =)
I started my first compost bin this year and I'm hoping now that the weather is getting warmer that I will see some real progress. It doesn't seem to be breaking down very quickly. I also added some worms from the yard and unused night crawlers from one of my hubby's fishing trips. I hope I see some results soon because it just looks like a big mess in a bin right now and I can still tell what is what. How long does it take for stuff to break down? any tips?
Thanks for all the comments and all the composting! I can't wait for the gardening season! I made my garden bigger and my gnome is out there waiting to bring me luck!
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