Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Random Runs (Roxie's, Christmas Tree Shop)

I've already gone over my $416 goal for this month.  Oh well.  That's life.  I'll try to be better in March (that stupid BJ's rebate killed me - but hopefully that $40 gift card will help me survive). 

Total:  $6.44

I ain't no gourmet cook over here.  I love me some Christmas Tree Shop spices.  They are only .89 cents and do the job fine for me.  Tea is $1.99.

Total:  $18.97
Coupons:  $1.99 (Free Ravioli)

I'm too lazy to separate this trip.  My big fine was the Purdue Perfect Portions for $2.99.  These are on sale at Shaw's for $8.99 this week. 


debbiew said...

I am always so jealous of the deals you get at Roxie's. I live right down the street in Hough's Neck, Quincy, but still can't manage to make the extra trip. I have a 2 yr old and 9 mo old and one stop per day is about all I can handle! I guess I'm going to have to start going when my hubby gets home from work.

Unknown said...

Oh Debbie! You were at the cookie party! My kids are 17 months apart and I've always kind of had to grocery shop with them. I try to keep my spirits up and think of it as a "fun adventure"...If you have a tandum double stroller, you could use that in Roxie's. Just saying. I love Roxie's even though it's a little stinky. The meat men are really nice and always mark down any meat I pick up.

Unknown said...

"fine" should be "find"...too lazy to edit...