Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Big Ol' BJ's Run

Total Before Savings:  $123.37
Coupons Used:  $18.50
Cash OOP:  $105.37

1 Hunts Snack Pack - $7.49 ($1/4 MFC) $6.49
2 dozen Eggs - $3.39
2 Half & Halves - $1.79 ea
2 pack BJ's apple juice - $3.99
1 lbs Black Pepper Deli Turkey - $6.92
1 16-pack Arnold Sandwich Thins - $4.29 ($2/ if you buy 1 lbs meat coupon) $2.29
Maxwell House Coffee - $6.98
Planters Individual Peanut Packs - $7.79 ($2/1 BJ's coupon) $5.79
1 gallon 1% milk - $2.22
1 Dole Fruit Cup Box - $6.99
Wonder Kids 2 pack - $3.19
Boboli 8 pack - $8.99 ($3/1 BJ's coupon) $5.99 (2 are $2.99 at Shaw's - so you get twice as much for the same price at Shaw's with the coupon)

Unilever Rebate (I'm determined to do this, even though there isn't that much stuff that I actually "need")
2 Ragu 3 packs (bigger than normal jars) - $6.99 ea (2 $1.25/3 MFCs) $1.91 per jar
1 Popsicles - $6.49
1 All (110 loads) - $12.99 ($2/1 MFC) $10.99
Solo mini-cups (I'm going to use these to plant seeds) - $8.99 ($1/1 MFC) $7.99
Solo plates - $6.99 ($1/1 MFC) $5.99
Suave Kids 4-pack - $5.99 ($1 instant rebate, 2 $1/2 MFCs) $2.99 or .74 cents per bottle

Total Pre-Coupon:  $55.43
Total Post Coupon:  $45.93
Total Pre-Coupon Needed to reach $100:  $44.57

-  So the Unilever deal is kind of good - if you need/want the stuff.  My goal is to spend around $80 post coupons ($100 pre coupons).  That would give me a $40 BJ's gift card.  If that pans out, I would net a 50% savings on all products.  That All detergent that cost me $10.99 - would be about $5.50.  That big bottle is about 3.4 "normal" bottles that are 32 loads.  That would be like getting those for $1.61 each.  The Suave Kids would be about .37 a bottle.  Ragu, .95 cents per container (a "normal" jar has 3 cups of sauce, these have 5 cups of sauce). 

-  My next course of action.  What to buy to hit my $45?  I do like the Dove Shampoo & Conditioner.  They have bonus packs with the normal bottles.  I'd get those to get more bang for my buck.

2 Dove Shampoos/Conditioner - $6.99 ea ($2.50/2 MFC from paper)
2 Big Skippy Peanut Butters - $7.49 ($1/2 MFC from paper)
Snuggle Dryer Sheets - $5.49 (coupon? - got to look!)
Breyer's Ice Cream - $5.99
Country Crock Butter - Price? 
Lipton Noodle Soup - Price? 

It's definitely a harder deal than most - because there isn't too much to stock up on - you almost have to just buy a variety of things. 


Angelina said...

I am soo jealous that you are close to a BJ's. I only have Costco and they don't take manufactures coupons. So sad.

Anne Hall said...

I'm trying to do the BJs rebate too and have enjoyed your posts. Just wanted to share my progress. I'm struggling a little too trying to find stuff to get.

All x 2 13.99
Breyers ice cream 5.69
Vaseline lotion 8.99
Skippy PB 7.89
Dove deoderant 9.69
Qtips 8.49
Suave kids 4.99
dove body wash 10.89
total 60.62

All $3/ 2 coupon from one of the Jan Sunday insert
All BJs $2 off coupon
Vaseline $1.50 from baby coupon book
Vaseline $1 from one of Jan inserts x 3
Skippy PB .60 x 2 (jan 31)
Dove deoderant printable $2 x 3
Q-tips Bjs coupon $1.50
Q-tips manuf coupon $1/2
Suave BJs coupon 1.50
Suave .50/2
Dove BJs 2.00
Dove 1.25 x 3

coupon savings 24.95