In light of all the people having issues with some coupons doubling and others not, I went on a Google search. The following is the closest thing I can find for the "Official Shaw's Coupon Policy". I personally have only encountered one cashier who manually "undoubled" coupons.
Well anyways, here is the best "Shaw's Coupon Policy" I could find on the internet. I grabbed it off of Hot Coupon World, by clicking HERE. This is a post from HeyaHeather (thanks Heather for posting back in June of 2008!):
I have asked to get clarification of Shaw’s Corporate Coupon Policy again. The following is the response that I got from a Customer Care Representative. I asked a great deal more questions than I did last year, so that I could get down to the nitty gritty. If you have any further questions or concerns, you should contact Shaw's customer service center at 1-877-932-7948. I personally have found that I get a better response by going through their website.
Coupon policies can vary from area, district, and store.
GENERAL POLICY information. Please keep in mind these may vary from area to area, as noted above.
DOUBLING COUPONS (see additional sections below as well):
1. There is no minimum purchase required.
2. Offer good on national brand manufacturer’s coupon only (Unless otherwise noted).
3. Customer must purchase product in the size(s) specified on the coupon.
4. Expired coupons will not be honored.
5. ONE MANUFACTURER'S COUPON and ONE COMPANY coupon may be redeemed on the same item, providing the value of the coupon is not more than the price of the item. However, only the manufacturer’s coupon will be doubled.
6. Excludes milk, tobacco, and items prohibited by law.
7. The following coupons are redeemed at face value and are not doubled:
• Free coupons – redeemed at face value only
• Company coupons – redeemed at face value only
• Cigarette coupons - redeemed at face value only
(unless prohibited by law)
• Pharmacy coupons - redeemed at face value only
• Store-issued Manufacturer's. Coupons - redeemed at face value only
MANUFACTURER COUPONS: ONE manufacturer's coupon may be accepted PER ITEM for items that are legally permitted. An example of an item not legally permitted in Massachusetts would be cigarette and tobacco coupons. Additionally, please note the following...
1. We double valid manufacturers' coupons with a value of up to 99 cents. Coupons over 99 cents are redeemed at face value. (e.g., 75 cent manufacturer's coupon will be doubled to $1.50; a $1.00 manufacturer's coupon will be redeemed at the face value of $1.00).
2. No more than 6 like ITEMS may be purchased per customer per day using the Double Manufacturer's Coupon offer.
3. Redemption may not exceed the value of the item you are purchasing.
4. We accept up to a total of 6 triple store coupons in any combination of Shaw's and/or a competitor on manufacturer coupons valued up to 99 cents.
5. Coupons excluded from doubling or tripling coupons include: coupons for cigarette and tobacco products, coupons for free items, and coupons that state "do not double".
1. MANUFACTURERS' INTERNET COUPONS follow the same restrictions stated above, as well as the following restrictions: Coupons must be printed from a computer printer (no photocopies) and MUST SCAN. We will NOT accept manufacturer internet coupons for free product (including buy one/get one free) or that have a value great than $4.99. Altered coupons will NOT be accepted.
2. SHAW'S INTERNET COUPONS are accepted with some restrictions. The coupons must include "Shaw's" and must be printed from a computer printer (no photo copies). All coupon requirements must be met. Unless otherwise stated on the coupon, there is a limit of ONE COUPON for EACH TYPE per CUSTOMER. Shaw's Internet Coupons will not exceed $10, will not be doubled or tripled, and cannot exceed the value of the item purchased. Altered coupons will NOT be accepted.
COMPETITOR COUPONS, the Shaw's Division competitor coupon acceptance policy varies by area, district, and store. Individual Store Directors have the discretion to accept or decline these coupons on a competitive basis. Only grocery stores are considered competitors. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our customer service center at 1-877-932-7948.
Hey Becky:
Great post. I did a link up back to you. Thanks for all this info.
thanks! #5 under manufacturer's coupons, it says it does exclude coupons that say, "DO NOT DOUBLE" - so can we really fight it if they undouble the ones that say DO NOT DOUBLE?
Hopeng, I agree. I read this policy on HCW and felt that I couldn't complain about them not doubling. It does stink, but them's the rules.
Thanks Becky I had read the official policy before and so did not complain when they undoubled my coupons manually. As of now I've been to BOTH Shaws in Concord NH this week and all three cashiers undoubled my coupons that said do not double. I suppose they caught on to the deals we were all getting and must have had a city wide meeting on the policy. I have NEVER had a cashier read my coupons before scanning them. I'm so sad I might go back to Market Basket for most of my shopping where the prices are usually cheaper. The only thing that made Shaws a better deal was the doubling of coupons. Except during Catalina's those will still work out to be a good savings!
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