Sunday, October 11, 2009

Reminder - Turn in your old Refridgerator to get $50!

Do you have an old freezer or refridgerator in the basement that you really don't need?  Is it sucking unneeded energy from you? 

Call National Grid from now until 11/30/09 to schedule a pick up of it!  They'll give you $50 - and you'll save money on your energy bill (don't do this if you actually USE your second freezer or refridgerator!!).  This is mostly for people who have older versions sitting in their garage or basement.  I know that it has to be 10 cu. ft to 30 cu. ft.  Our second freezer is only 6 cu. feet - so we don't qualify!  Boohoo! 

Check out their website at or call them at 1-877-545-4113 to schedule a FREE pick up and a $50 rebate!  After November 30th, they'll give you $30. 

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