Friday, November 21, 2008


Here's the quick trip I did tonight:

2 Shaw's Apple Juice - $1.50 ea ($1/2 Store Coupon)
2 Hillshire Smoked Kielbasa - BOGO ($1/2 MFC, $1/2 Store Coupon)
1 Glade Fan - Clearance $4.24 (Free MFC)
1 Glade Refill - $2.99
1 Pledge Cloths - Clearance $1.84 ($1.50/1 MFC from Machine)

$4 Off When you Buy 2 Cokes and 2 Nabisco Crackers
2 Coke 12 Packs - $2.96 ea (2 $1/1 MFCs Printed from MyCoke Rewards)
Wheat Thins and Chicken in a Biskit Crackers - $2($1/2 Store Coupon)

Total Before Savings: $46.33
Total Coupons Used: $16.74
Cash OOP: $11.62
(that includes the $1.20 bottle deposit for the Cokes)

Since the Glade Fans were on clearance (reg. price $8.49) and I had the MFC that's "Buy a Refill, Get a Fan Free", I chanced it to see if they would take the original price off. They didn't.

The Pledge Wipes were a steal at .34 cents. They look like a trial size of wipes, but I think there are 18 in the pack. The little blinkie machines are spurting out $1.50/1 Pledge Products.

The Coke deal is EXCELLENT if you participate in MyCoke Rewards! I only do it to get coupons. For instance, every 12 pack code you enter here gives you 10 points. You can get a $1/1 12 Pack for 35 points. Long story short, here is how my Deal worked out:

2 packs of Coke - $2.92 ea. becomes $1.92 ea with MFCs
2 packs of Crackers - 2/$4 becomes $3 with Store Coupon.
That brings you to $6.84, but you have the $4 off Coupon from the circular which means all 4 items are $2.84 (plus $1.20 if you live in a bottle deposit state).

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