
Monday, September 3, 2012

White Trash Party: Decorations

The best part of throwing a White Trash Party is that decorations are very cheap.  Actually, the cheaper the better.  The whole shebang was pretty cheap.

So how does one decorate for a White Trash Party?  My grand idea was to hang underwear of all sorts on our clothes line.  The conservative husband vetoed that idea.  But here is what I was able to get away with.


Signs.  Signs are easy.  Signs can be informative.  Signs are cheap.  I found some cardboard and had some Sharpie markers.  I went to town:

Spelling words wrong is a key element.  Jaqzee = Jacuzzi.  Get it?  

The swing set even got a makeover with it's own sign and a hubcap.  

This was how people entered the yard.  A "Welcum Y'all" sign was the the most important.  We also decorated with beer boxes.  


I was able to score 2 hubcaps for this shindig.  Free, of course.  One magically appeared in my driveway one morning (no joke) and I found another on the Fore River Bridge in Quincy/Weymouth.  If you are throwing a party - look around your town for hubcaps laying around in the street.  They make great decorations.  

***Added Bonus!***  We hung both from a tree and the clothesline.  They were about 6 ft from the ground and we created a game where people stand back and throw a frisbee at it and see who can hit the hubcap the most times.  


I had a spare nip bottle that I found so I used it as a little face.  Just clipped a wildflower out of my garden, and voila - instant pretty!

I decorated with a flower pot of dead flowers.  That was easy to do - I just took my half dead flower pot and didn't water it for the past week.  Instant dead.  


Of course, I went a little "above and beyond" by making a wind chime.  See the details of how to make your own by CLICKING THIS LINK HERE.  Again - I picked up the bottles on the side of the road, I had the board, nails and ribbon laying around - so it was pretty darn cheap to make.

Other notes for decorations:

-  I found cheap, clearanced vinyl tablecloths at Stop & Shop a while back that helped accent the place.  The Christmas Tree Shop has them pretty cheap all the time.  They just give the place a little more "umph" than the plastic Dollar Tree tablecloths.  

-  Let your imagination go while and don't spend a dime!  If you just rummage through your attic or basement - you are bound to find things that will look "good" for your party.  

Be sure to come back tomorrow, y'all as I discuss proper White Trash party food!


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