Sunday, March 3, 2013

Homemade Topsy Turvy

I guess the fad of the "Topsy Turvy" is fading - but it doesn't have to.  And you don't have to drop $10 on that piece of crap.  You can make your own for practically nothing.  How?  It's easy.

You can do it - and be pretty while do so too!  Just like ME!

It's relatively simple.  Take an old 64oz. juice bottle and cut about 1" down one of the big sides and the two small sides with a razor blade.  This should allow it to "open".  Cut two holes on the side and thread some old rope in them and tie them.  Then tie a not on the top to hang it.  You want to then jam a tomato plant down through the hole and fill with potting soil. Hang it and water it.  You have a topsy turvy.  

It will get big.  It will produce.  Just be sure to keep watering it.  They dry out faster than in ground gardens.

I even made topsy turves with jalapeño plants!  They worked too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to try this! I was looking for them cheap and I like your idea better! Thanks for posting it. :)