Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Money Saving Challenge: Homemade Streamers (with a little class)

Still prepping away for Smurf-fest 2012.  I decided to prep some homemade streamers to hang in the house and outside.  Here's what they look like:

I'm going to make about 30-50 of these suckers to hang around the house and outside.  This is really easy, if you have some patience.  I do - only because it's perfect procrastination from cleaning.  

I have a circle punch that I bought from Michaels a while ago.  I'm not one of those "scrapbooking people" - I just "needed" a circle punch for some reason.  It looks like this:

That's not mine - I stole it from the Gadbois Family.

So how did I make these?  They were easy.  

I cut 2 1/2 foot long pieces of ribbon (I used some from my never ending stash).  Most ribbon roles are 10 yards - so you'd get about 12 pieces out of one roll if you use 2 1/2 feet.  So use that to determine how much ribbon you need.  

Then I dropped $3 on Cape Cod Colored Cardstock at Michaels.  There's 50 pieces in that pack and I can get 12 circles per sheet.  

So I taped up some of my 2 1/2 foot long ribbon pieces and just scotch taped 6 circles on each strand.  Voila.  I am done.  The weight of the cardstock weighs down the ribbon nicely.  

Since I had everything except the cardstock, my out of pocket cost was $3.  If you want to create this, you'll have to buy some cardstock, some rolls of ribbon (.50 - $1.00 each roll), a punch (about $14 at Michaels - but buy on sale or with a coupon), & scotch tape.   


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