Sunday, February 12, 2012

Occupy My Wallet: Day 42

Yesterday was good.  Went to Lowe's for their Build & Grow event.  Made Valentine's Day card makers or something like that.  I brewed my own coffee to take, saving me a few bucks.  I didn't buy anything at Lowe's - normally I feel compelled to at these kind of things, but we've seriously spent so much money at Lowe's that I don't feel like a freeloader and I don't feel the need to buy anything like I do when I get other freebies at other places.

My kids are pretty sick so we laid low the rest of the day.  I made cookies & Challah bread.  Pictures on Facebook.

Looking at my 4 year-old son, I think today is another "lazy" day as he looks like crud.

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