Saturday, January 14, 2012

Occupy My Wallet: Day 13

So Friday the 13th was yesterday.  It did not deter me from not buying crap.

I did buy 2 coffees at DDs for about $3.80.  I put it on a gift card, so no money.

I did go out to dinner with some friends.  $28 well spent.

Will take a solid effort to throw more crap away and organize much better this week.  Unfortunately, Friday the 13th did hold some "bizarre - ness" to it - for the first time in 4 years, I forgot to put my garbage out on the curb.  That means I have 2 full garbage cans and the next garbage pick up isn't for 8 days.  My only saving grace is that it's not all hot and gross here.

1 comment:

American Dreamer said...

I feel your pain. I have done that before. At least now it is winter so it doesn't stink by the time the garbagemen come again.