Monday, February 8, 2010

A Pretty Big Shaw's Trip

Total Before Savings:  $132.66
Total Preferred Savings:  $38.59
Total Coupons:  $28.00
Cash OOP:  $66.07
CATs Earned:  $1.50

1 Cottonelle Fresh Wipes - $2.79 ($2/1 MFC) .79
1 Edge Shaving Cream - $2.69 ($1/1 MFC) $1.69
2 Land O'Frost Deli Meat - $3.99 (2 $1/1 MFCs) $2.99 ea
6 Shaw's Yogurts - .59 ea
2 Kraft Shredded Cheese - $2.49 ea ($1/2 MFC) $1.99 ea
2 Breakstone's Sour Cream - .99 ea ($1/2 MFC) .50 ea
1 Super Pretzel - $1.99 (.50/1 MFC) .99 ea
2 OreIda French Fries - $2.99 ea ($1/2 MFC) $2.49 ea
2 Bagel Bites - $1.49 ea (2 $1/1 MFCs from website) .49 ea
1 Shaw's Chili - $1.39
1 Sanititas Tortilla Chips - $1.88
3 Keebler Right Bites - $2.49 (3 $1/1 MFCs) $1.50 ea
2 Goldfish - $1 ea (2 .75/1 MFCs from DOUBLE) Money Maker of .50 ea
9 Dole Fruit Cups - $2.29 ea (3 $1/3 MFCs) $1.97 ea
2 Dole Jars - $2.29 ea (2 .75/1 MFCs DOUBLE) .79 ea (each spitted out a .75 CAT)
4 CapriSun Waters - $1.99 ea (2 $1/2 MFCs from $1.49 ea
1 Hormel Pork Tenderloin - $4.99 ($1/1 MFC from this week's paper) $3.99 (normally $9.99)
1 Lloyd's Pulled Pork - $5.79 ($2/1 MFC from Hormel Pork package) $3.79
1 Polar Diet Orange Dry Soda - $1.00

Things From This Trip:

-  My husband started working again - so I have to stock up on lunch stuff for him when the price is right.

-  The Dole Jars are spitting out .75 CATs.  The Dole Fruit cups have .75/1 MFCs for them in the wrapper. 

-  The Hormel Pork is a pretty good deal. These packaged meat logs are usually $9.99, but are on sale for $4.99 and there was just a $1/1 MFC in this week's newspaper.

-  If you haven't checked out Wicked Cool Deals yet, you should.  Michelle posted great coupons for the Goldfish and Bagel Bites.  The Goldfish coupon makes them a money maker and the Bagel Bites coupon gets you a 9 pack for .49 cents. 

-  Fruit is so darn expensive at Shaw's!  I guess it's because it's in the dead of winter. 

-  I've reorganized all my coupons once again.  I keep my coupons in a pencil box I picked up at A.C. Moore a long time ago.  But now I alphabetized them - which makes it so much easier if I happen to see something that I want to buy that wasn't on my list but seems like a good deal with the coupon. 

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