So yeah. I love my little blog. Not as much as my kids, unicorns, french fries or Sarah Palin. But yeah it's up there (and yeah, that was a joke).
But what really sucks about blogging is spam. For whatever reason, it seems that all the spam goes to my inbox of my "special" email and a lot of "real" emails get labeled as spam. Why? I don't know. So apologies to anyone who I might have ignored in the past few months.
I read through a few of my actual spammies - this by far was my favorite opening line:
Hello Becky,
I’m writing you because I think you have a great blog about beauty and fashion, and I was hoping we could find a way to work together.
I didn't realize I was blogging to be the next Cover Girl - but okay. I'll be a diva. I went to the bathroom, put on my makeup and the finest hair piece I could find. I know I'm beautiful. You can be too if you keep reading my blog.
How appropriate is that first comment on an entry about spam? Yikes.
Bargain Becky, your makeover is beautiful!
nice makeover.... you should think about making over others. ;)
Depending on the mail program you use (there are so many), there is a great FREE (but of course) add-on that is great for handling SPAM. It's called Spambayes.
I set it up really fast and it has kept 99.9 % of the junk out and let 100% of the good stuff in.
Word to the wise - I do not speak or read Japanese. Do not click on Asian language links!!
Kara - does IBB get spammed a lot? I'm too lazy to delete them all.
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