Sunday, January 10, 2010

Still Composting Away.

I started composting about 10 months ago.  I'm still going strong.  It's actually a very easy habit to get into.  It's cost me ZERO dollars.  And it's something that I don't even think twice about now - when I cut up vegetables or dump my coffee grounds - they just go into my little compost bin.  When it's full, I empty it outside.  Even my husband does it - and he's the most anti-organic person out there. 

How I did it?  I grabbed an old raggity garbage can (we had 6 of them - we didn't need 6 garbage cans).  I drilled like 100 holes in it with my husband's cordless drill.  I put the lid on it, and VOILA!  A Compost Bin. 

I'm on my 3rd round of filling up this bad boy.  The compost doesn't decompose as fast in the winter.  But I was able to put it relatively close to my backdoor (no fruit flies and other weird bugs around it in the winter). 

I'm getting excited about gardening again.  Why?  I don't know.  I want to be better than last year.  I think I'll do more tomatoes.  Maybe I'll experiment with random things.  I don't know.  I still have about 5 months until I can plant so maybe I should find something else to get excited about. 


Queenbuv3 said...

I would love to compost. Does any of the material fall out of the holes you drilled? When do you dump the stuff in the trash can? Do you have to stir it and how frequently? Do you have to add dirt or worms?

I eat a lot of veggies and fruits and would love to compost but I have no idea what to do. Any info would be appreciated : )

maryanne @ mama smiles said...

Maybe I'll make one of these to go near our house in the wintertime. We have a big "real" compost bin out by our shed, but I'm a baby and don't dump stuff out there in the wintertime...