Sunday, January 17, 2010

Roxie's Run!

Total Before Savings:  $15.97
Total Coupons Used:  $1.99
Cash OOP:  $13.98

1 head of lettuce - .99
1 pint Grape Tomatoes - $1.49
2 lbs onions - .99
1.94 lbs Extra Lean Ground Beef - $7.62
1 lbs Bacon - $1.99 (FREE Coupon from joining Roxie's TLC club)
3.28 lbs of oranges - $2.89

Also stopped at Tedeschi's for 2 Gallons of milk - $4.78.  Monthly spending is at $190 so far. 


debbiew said...

Do you buy all your meat at Roxie's?

Unknown said...

I will probably buy a bulk of it there this year. Their boneless, skinless chicken breast is only $1.49/lbs all the time. The only thing is it comes in just a bag so it's a little odd. I got their lean meat there yesterday for $3.79/lbs. This is $4.49/lbs at Shaw's. I love that place! It's a little stinky, but whatever! Anything to save a buck.