Thursday, August 20, 2009

Slug-O-The-Day & My Garden

Today's slug was much more photogenic than yesterday's slug. He's currently sunbathing in the drive-way.

You are disgusting.

I'm very excited that my grape tomatoes are starting to turn red! I think we're going to have lots of grape tomatoes this season!

This is where I found both slugs.

Here is what my garden looks like today.


MaryAnne said...

Your garden looks great (minus the slug)!

Katidids said...

Looks great, I used your paper trick and it sure helps cut down on the weeds!

Paula said...

That slug is disgusting. I am so glad I have not seen one or I would freak. I grew up on a farm but some things are just gross. I yanked a lot of dead or not growing things yesterday. I still have tomatoes, zucs, some cucs going strong. I have a few egg plants growing as well. Never had egg plant. I definitely have a better idea of what I want to plant next year.

Your garden still looks great.

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone. I still add newspaper to it - but I can tell a lot of it has already started to decompose.

Those two slugs were GROSS! We had a few bricks on a pallet in the backyard and when I took them off to make an edging, there were a few of those nasties hanging out there as well. Maybe it's just my geographical location? Ugh. They are too gross.

I've never tried planted eggplant. In fact, I probably only ate eggplant about 2 times in my life. I too am already thinking about next year.