Total Before Savings: $81.95
Total Preferred Savings: $23.46
Total Coupons Used: $21.58
Cash OOP: $36.91
OYNP Coupons Earned: $30.00
Net: $6.91
2 Gallons of milk - $3.69 (2 Free Milk Coupons) FREE!
2 Wacky Mac - $1.25 (2 .75/1 MFCs from SS) FREE!
1 Goldfish - $1.88
1st Catalina Scenario
2 Lipton Soup Packs - Reg. Price $1.89, Sale $1.00, .60/2 MFC (DOUBLES) = .40 cents ea!
10 BC Fruit Snacks - Reg. Price $2.99, Sale $2.00, 5 .50/2 MFCs (DOUBLE) = $1.50 ea
OOP: $15.80
OYNP Earned: $15.00
Net: .80 cents!
2nd Catalina Scenario
2 Skippy PB - Reg. Price $2.50, Sale $2.00, $1/2 MFC = $1.50 ea
1 Chex Bars - Reg. Price $3.79, Sale $3.00, .75/1 MFC = $1.50
2 Breyers - Reg. $5.49, Sale BOGO, $1/2 MFC = $2.25 ea
2 Klondike Bars - Reg. $3.99, Sale $2.99, $1/2 MFC = $2.49 ea
1 Fiber One Yogurt - Reg. $2.99, Sale $2.50, $1/1 MFC = $1.50
2 Hamburger Helpers (Filler) - Reg. $2.39, Sale $1.88
OOP: $19.24
OYNP Earned: $15.00
Net: $4.24
Have you tried using competitor's dollar doubler coupons?
Ok, I had a few good runs today which (somewhat) makes up for my rage from yesterday. ;o)
Round 1:
3 Dove Shampoos
3 Dove Conditioners
PSP: 29.94 (Oops! Here is the mistake I made...I had also grabbed a QTip. I was trying to do the double dip scenario from Slick Deals. After all the Dove stuff rang up it was over $30 so I put the Qtips back. However, I didn't realize that it was over $30 because of tax. So the double dip deal didn't generate ony's BUT I DID get the 3 - $5 onys...WEIRD!)
Used 3 - $1 MFCs, 3 - S&S doublers and a $2 Shaw's oyn coupon.
Total after coupons - $23.62
$15 oyn earned
If I had done the double dip correctly I would have gotten $27 back in oyn's.
Round 2:
2 - Lipton Onion Soup Mix
2 - Degree Ultra Deodorant
4 - All Laundry Detergents
4 - Candy Bars (filler)
PSP (not counting candy bars) - $33.72
6 - $1 MFCs
5 - S&S Doublers
3 - $5 OYN
Total: $0.10!
3 - $5 OYN earned
Round 3:
Pamper Cruisers Big Pack
Puffs Tissue
PSP: $21.78
$2 MFC
3 - $5 OYN
Total: $4.78
1 - $5 OYN earned
1 - Pamper Cruisers Big Pack
4 - All Laundry Detergents
3 - Dove Shampoos
3 - Dove Conditioners
2 - Degree Ultra Deodorant
2 - Lipton Onion Soup Mix
4 - Candy Bars
1 - Puffs Tissue
Total: $23.50 OOP Pleased. :o)
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