Saturday, May 23, 2009

Red Cross & Edible Arrangements!

I've been into donating blood lately. I don't know why. Something good I guess? I donated often when I was in the military - which was good because the blood stayed in the military and they need it and all that happy hooplah. But then I got pregnant. And pregnant again. So I went about 4 years without donating. But I have started back up - not only because it's a good thing, but because I get free cookies and juice afterwards! ;) Joking...sort of.

Well June is the BEST month to get back into donating blood! Why? If you donate blood, you'll get a coupon for 6 FREE Chocolate Dipped Strawberries from Edible Arrangements! Sweet! I already have June 15th marked as my next time to go (you can donate every 56 days - or 8 weeks) - Do you want to give a pint and get free strawberries? Find a New England Blood Drive HERE!
Many thanks to Edible Arrangements and the Red Cross! It's great when you get something free for something you were going to be doing anyways!


vbncvbmw said...
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vbncvbmw said...

Unfortunately my boyfriend and I have had a bad experience with EA while using one of our coupons. The first free box we received was filled with huge beautiful chocolate covered strawberries. He donates platelets twice monthly and has done so for six years reliably. The second coupon we used this past Sat. and the box was an embarrassment! The strawberries were tiny and the cups holding them dwarfed them even more! The strawberries they used were normally used for arrangements not their boxes. EA made a poor decision to send out such a box to a customer, whether it was free or not. It's a representation of their product for heaven's sake! Yes I know they are free, they were also a gift from Red Cross to show their appreciation. I'm sure Red Cross is not aware of this and I'm sure that I'm not the first person this has happened to. Other locations may be more trustworthy, but the location I used was the Plymouth Massachusetts location. It's too bad; but again their loss in the long run.