
Friday, September 14, 2012

Free Hometown Wellness Challenge at

I go to the South Shore YMCA (Quincy & Hanover).  So if you want to stalk me, here's your chance.  They have recently started a free Hometown Wellness Showdown.  I guess if you are a member of a Massachusetts YMCA, you can win prizes and crap.  But you can join and not be a member of the YMCA.

Helps You Earn Showdown Points & Prizes!
4-Week Challenge: September 17 to October 12, 2012 

It's simple - go to to register.  From September 17-October 12 you can earn points and crap and see what other members in your YMCA or town are doing.  The goal is to see which Massachusetts town is the healthiest or something.  

Anyways - it's free.  It's a quick little 4 week motivator to help you shed a few pounds or make you healthier.  Whatever you want.  Join it.  I'm there.  I have no friends on there because I'm a LOSER.  It's okay.  I'm cool with that.  You have until September 16th to register for the 4 week Showdown or whatever.  I want to win something because I'm cheap.  

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